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LG Sangnam Library


YOUNG MAKER YOUNG MAKER is young makers' community to make, play, and learn by themselves.

As a student-centered maker community, making it possible for children to enjoy making and creating with interest.

  • A Maker Space to Implement Ideas and Improve Creativity
    Based on the Maker Movement, YOUNG MAKER is a child-friendly participatory platform designed for children to make creative things, learn STEAM-education skills, and practice design thinking. While experiencing YOUNG MAKER activities, children have no limitation on their imagination and creativity. Therefore, they can imagine freely, and make anything in the platform.
  • A Sharing Community for Children to Boast About Their Outputs and Share their Creative Processes
    YOUNG MAKER provides a communicational channel in the young maker network to share ideas, plans, processes and final outputs. It also provides good chances to meet new friends with the same interests or with similar ideas. As a result, YOUNG MAKER helps young makers learn cooperation and collaboration while practicing YOUNG MAKER activities.
  • A New Learning Platform Approaching STEAM Education with Maker Culture
    The goal of YOUNG MAKER is to improve children's thinking and creativity by providing a learning platform to experience making processes and become young makers. In the process of becoming young makers, children will learn how to solve problems and suggest solutions in creative ways, which is also the purpose of STEAM education.
The Process of YOUNG MAKER
Core Services YOUNG MAKER is designed as a child-centered service. In order to support various level of making activities, the service consists of three sections - DIY Specialists Video, Do It Myself, and Young Master Maker.
  • DIY Specialist Video
    YOUNG MAKER discovers talented makers to introduce their making projects and share their know-how in the 'DIY Specialist Video' section. Though most selected makers are adults, children can be introduced as specialists when they are outstanding makers.
  • Do It Myself 
    'Do It Myself' is a section where children follow making processes inspired by DIY Specialist Video, and share their outputs in the form of video. Children can choose one subject among STEAM-related subjects, and master the related making projects in the subject.  When a child masters more than five projects in a subject and shares the videos, he or she earns a virtual building item as a prize.
  • Young  Master Maker 
    Children and the youth can suggest new making projects by using the section 'Young Master Maker.' When YOUNG MAKER accepts the projects, the project video is introduced as a 'DIY Specialist' video.